Hillary Clinton continues to cut into Donald Trump’s lead a Wisconsin recounts its presidential votes. However, her gain net gain of 60 votes has barely cut into Trump’s pre-recount lead of about 22,000 votes. Her best hope may be in Milwaukee where counting has been going on for more than a week, but since the absentee ballots have not been include in the Wisconsin Election Board’s spreadsheet it is hard to tell if either candidate is gaining or losing ground.
Milwaukee counts its absentee ballots separately from those cast on the day of election. It does the same for a recount. The WEC says when the absentee ballots are recounted they will be added into Milwaukee’s total.
The UpTake’s analysis of the spreadsheet shows all candidates have picked up some votes:
Donald Trump +495
Hillary Clinton +555
Darrel Castle +20
Gary Johnson +63
Jill Stein +64
Monica Moorehead +8
Rocky De La Fuente +15
Here are Wednesday’s changes in recount totals from the WEC
Explanations provided by clerks for the differences in numbers between canvass and the recount are also contained in the attached Explanation of Changes per Reporting Unit PDF
Dane County: 20 Absentee ballots were left in their certificate envelopes on Election Night for the City of Madison Ward 29.
Eau Claire County: Decrease of 48 votes in City of Eau Claire Ward 36 due to human error during original Board of Canvass. -18 Votes for Trump/Pence, -30 votes for Clinton/Kaine.
Grant County: Recount vote totals for City of Platteville Wards 7-9 adjusted from Election Day totals due to discrepancies discovered during hand recount. Ward reported tabulator issues on Election Day.
Juneau County: Corrected Day 7 vote counts for Town Lyndon Wards 1-3. Trump/Pence now accurately reflect a total of 328 votes.
Manitowoc County: Increase of 9 votes in City of Manitowoc Wards 3-4, 22, increase of 11 votes in City of Manitowoc Wards 15-16, and an increase of 24 votes in City of Manitowoc Wards 19-20, 27 due to ballots that were marked incorrectly on Election Day. Voter intent was determined during recount canvass.
Outagamie County: Increase of 13 votes in Town of Grand Chute Wards 11-14 due to ballots that were marked incorrectly on Election Day. Voter intent was determined during recount canvass. +7 votes for Trump/Pence and +6 votes for Clinton/Kaine.
Price County: Net change of 10 votes in Town of Lake Wards 1-2 due to tally errors on Election Night.
Waukesha County: Increase of 12 votes in City of Brookfield Ward 5. Recount Board of Canvass determined absentee ballots originally rejected on Election Day were valid.